UK Tax Accountant Services and Advice
Your Tax Office: UK Tax & Accounting ServicesYour Tax Office: UK Tax & Accounting ServicesYour Tax Office: UK Tax & Accounting Services
01462 429 700
(Mon - Fri)
Hitchin, SG5 1EH, UK

Seafarers Tax

Seafarers Tax

Our specialist tax accountants provide a professional seafarers tax service giving you a fast reliable tax service and advice on Seafarers Earnings Deduction (SED). We can take away the stress of dealing with your tax affairs and we can ensure that you get everything back you are entitled to.

Our seafarers tax service is less taxing for you

With the introduction of self-assessment the penalties for getting it wrong or just late can be worrying. Even those who feel that it is a relatively straightforward system occasionally find themselves out of their depth when dealing with the Inland Revenue. This becomes very apparent when you have been selected for an audit by the Tax Man! It can also be impractical for you to deal with these matters whilst you are away at sea.

Straight Talking

As our client, you will have unlimited access, 365 days a year, to our professional tax specialists. Our flat fees of just £175 for a twelve month service, and our jargon free approach, means you will know exactly where you stand.

We work on your behalf to ensure that everything possible is done to enable you to qualify for the 100% deduction claim. We can access to your records at all times to be able to advise you as to whether or not you have qualified, or what further time out of the UK may be necessary to enable you to do so. We pride ourselves on our professionalism and efficiency. Our service is proven to be effective in claiming back thousands of pounds of tax for our seafaring clients.

Self-employed Seafarer?

Claim your tax back

If you are a self-employed seafarer then normally you will not be able to claim the Seafarers Deduction. However, we now have a solution for you that will enable you to fulfil the HMRC requirements and make a claim for a tax rebate. Ask us how.


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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)